Colombian Reintegration Agency (ACR) Main Portal > Reintegration > Questions and answers about the Productive Dimension

1. What are the ACR benefits for the people undergoing a Reintegration Process in relation to jobs?

The ACR coordinates labor engagement for all the people undergoing a Reintegration Process that are willing to access a formal way of employment. The most important benefit is personal since it ensures an economic sustainability as a starting point and the State's guarantees regarding employment, i.e., counting on a Family Compensation Fund, accessing opportunities for house subsidies, among others.

2.  What job offers can be coordinated by the ACR? Which job offers are available at this moment?

The ACR, from all its offices, coordinates employment in companies that, voluntarily, are willing to perform recruitment process for the people that are part of the Reintegration Route.  Therefore, the person undergoing a Reintegration Process should contact his/her reintegration professional at each office for more information on vacancies.

3.  May the people undergoing a Reintegration Process work for entities that provide security services (surveillance)?

Yes, it is possible to work for companies that provide security and surveillance services provided that they will not use nor have access to firearms for the development of their functions. The person that uses firearms while performing his/her functions is committing a serious misconduct that affects the commitments of the Reintegration Process. This is punishable with the loss of his/her benefits.

4. How can a work certificate be submitted?

This type of document should be submitted through the reintegration professionals or the attention assistant of each Regional Group.


General Questions related to the Education for Work Benefit


1. What is Education for Work?

Is education focused on the operational and instrumental domain of certain occupation, the approval of a technical and technological knowledge integrated into it and the ability of dynamic adaptation to the constant changes in productivity.

People undergoing a Reintegration Process (PPR) may access the following:

  1. Complementary education actions.

  2. Education programs that lead to an Occupational Aptitude Certificate (Skilled Labor Technician).

  3. Education programs at operator and assistant levels that lead to a degree.

  4. Education programs at technical, professional technician or technologist levels.

With these options, the person undergoing a Reintegration Process learns an occupation related to his/her interests and skills through a public entity such as the National Learning Service (SENA).

 2. Which institutions offer Education for Work for the people undergoing a Reintegration Process?

SENA offers the majority of the options. There are also agreements with other institutions or the possibility that the person undergoing a Reintegration Process directly enrolls in another institution that offers education according to his/her interests also exists.

3. If Education for Work cannot be carried out due to work reasons, may this situation negatively affect the Reintegration Process?

The Reintegration Process will not be affected if a person doesn't participate in the Education for Work program. Nevertheless, this training is part of the Reintegration Route components and one that leads to an economic benefit and at the same time, to develop the person's life project, as well as economic insertion and engagement in the labor world. It is important to highlight that the person undergoing a Reintegration Process, jointly with his/her reintegration professional, may identify the options and expectations regarding the education process in a way that he/she can comply without this meaning the desertion of his/her labor activities.

4. Can a person quit an Education for Work program without this negatively affecting the Reintegration Process?

The voluntary resignation to this component of the Reintegration Route can be submitted. The voluntary resignation is one of the modalities of termination of the Education for Work program, without this affecting the Reintegration Process. Nevertheless, this must be the last option to be taken since the process is customized and must respond to the needs and expectations of the person as well as to the offers of his/her context.

5. Who must submit the Education for Work certificate and when?

The institution where the Education for Work program was carried out must submit it after complying with the requirements. The submission time of this certificate depends on each institution. These terms will be informed to the individual once the request is filed.


Economic incentive for People undergoing a Reintegration Process for Business Plans within the modality of Entrepreneurship

1. What is the economic benefit for entrepreneurship business plans?

This is the benefit that the person undergoing a Reintegration Process may access after complying with the requirements stated in Resolution 0794.

2. How much money is received for submitting a business plan? What are the requirements for receiving these funds?

This economic incentive is represented by a maximum amount of COP $2,000,000 for people that demobilize collectively.

This economic incentive is represented by a maximum amount of COP $8,000,000   for people that demobilize individually.

The requirements for receiving these funds are:

    For entrepreneurship: (creating or buying a business)

1. To be active in the Reintegration Process or have finished it and complying with one of the following conditions:

a.  Approval of the Education for Work program (minimum 400 hours), in accordance with the business plan.

b. Conclusion of the teaching phase of one of the education programs at operational and assistant levels that lead to a degree or at technician, professional technician or technologist levels, according to the business plan.

c.  Labor skill assessment certificate based on the business plan.

d.  Accreditation of previous learning by the relevant authority in accordance with the business plan.

e. Accreditation of four approved semesters of a higher education program for professionals in entities recognized by the Ministry of National Education.

f. Accreditation minutes of minimum 2 years of experience in accordance with the business plan, supported by one of the following documents:  work certificate or service contracts or certificate of commercial or productive activities.

2. Presentation of the business plan complying with the ACR's requirements:

For strengthening a business: 

1. To be active in the Reintegration Process or having finished it and to comply with one of the following conditions:

a. Approval of the Education for Work program, minimum 200 hours, in accordance with the business plan.

b. Completing the teaching phase of one of the programs of education at operator and assistant levels that lead to a degree or for technician, professional technician or technologist levels, according to the business plan.

c.  Labor skill assessment certificate based on the business plan.

d. Recognition of previous learning accredited by the relevant authority in accordance with the business plan.

e. Accreditation of four approved semesters of a higher education program for professionals in entities recognized by the Ministry of National Education.

f. Accreditation minutes of minimum 2 years of experience in accordance with the business plan, supported by one of the following documents:  work certificate or service contracts or certificate of commercial or productive activities.

2. To have an active company record at the Chamber of Commerce, with a subscription date greater than twelve (12) months. This requirement will not be mandatory for rural or farming productive units. In such cases, a certificate issued by the relevant authority where the existence of the productive unit is certified will only be required.

3. Submission of the business plan complying with the ACR requirements (See Resolution 0794).

3.  How long will the receipt of this benefit take once the business plan is submitted?

The time established from the receipt of the documents until the disbursement of the funds ranges between 2 and 3 months. Nevertheless, in some cases, this term may be extended for reasons such as re-processes (errors or adjustments) regarding the documentation sent, or because the information of the supplier does not coincide with the information recorded in the ACR's system. In any case, reintegration professionals will always provide orientation in this process resolving any questions.

4. Who can provide advice for designing a business plan?

The person in charge at the ACR offices is the reintegration professional that will accompany you permanently.  This professional will provide you guidance as long you comply with the access requirements.

5.  What should a person that wants to submit a business plan proposal do?

The first thing a person undergoing a Reintegration Process should do is to go to one of the ACR offices in order to receive advice and accompaniment from a reintegration professional, who will explain the requirements for accessing the formulation and start up of the business plan and thus start a productive life with a business. After verifying the compliance of the requirements, the person undergoing a Reintegration Process must fill out and deliver a series of documents that will enable the analysis of the proposal, and in case of being feasible, the initiation of the procedure for the disbursement of the funds. Nevertheless, submitting the documentation does not mean the disbursement or the entity's enforceability to this disbursement, since this depends on ACR's available resources.

6.  How much is received for submitting a plan for strengthening an existing business?

If the person undergoing a Reintegration Process demobilized collectively, he/she will receive up to COP $2,000,000 and in the case of individual demobilizations, he/she will receive up to COP $8,000,000.

Economic incentive of employability for accessing housing

 1. Does the ACR provide housing to the people undergoing a Reintegration Process? Or how may housing be accessed?

The ACR provides support so that people can access a home loan. In order to access the economic incentive to purchase housing, the following requirements should be met:

To purchase property:

  • To participate in the Reintegration Process or having finished it.

  • To provide supporting documentation of the payments as a contributor to the Social Security System for Health of at least eight (8) months within the last twelve (12) months before the request.

  • Promise of sale of real property in compliance with the legal requirements.

  • Legal history certificate ("certificado de tradición y libertad") of the property subject to the sale evidencing the right of ownership in favor of the seller, issued by the respective Office of Public Records, with date of issue not exceeding 30 days.

  • Photocopy or photocopies of the citizenship or foreign citizenship cards of the seller(s). In the case of legal persons, the certificate of existence and legal representation issued by the corresponding Chamber of Commerce should be provided.

  • Bank certificate of the savings or checking account of the seller.

For mortgage payments for the purchase of property in favor of a financial or solidary entity monitored by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia or by the Superintendence of Solidary Economy:

  • To participate in the Reintegration Process or having finished it.

  • To provide supporting documentation of the payments as a contributor to the Social Security System for Health of at least eight (8) months within the last twelve (12) months before the request.

  • Legal history certificate ("certificado de tradición y libertad"), issued by the respective Office of Public Records, with date of issue not exceeding 30 days, evidencing the existence of the mortgage and the right of ownership on the property in favor of the person undergoing a Reintegration Process.

  • Certificate issued by the financial or solidary entity evidencing the existence and status of the mortgage obligation  (See Resolution 0794).

2. Does the ACR have any agreement to purchase housing?

The ACR has no direct agreements but has been working with the National Savings Fund (FNA) to motivate people undergoing a Reintegration Process to save and, after that, to complement the missing resources for purchasing housing. Moreover, work is being done on the application of the housing policy initiated by the Ministry of Housing. In this regard, the ACR promotes partnerships with public and private entities to achieve such purpose. Each ACR office is making arrangements with the local authorities to engage people undergoing a Reintegration Process into programs for acquiring housing.

3. May the capital coming from this benefit be used to improve a home?

Improving housing is not covered within the regulatory framework impacting this economic incentive, which is only for buying new or used housing. This is the fundamental reason why using this benefit for home improvement is not possible. Nevertheless, this procedure can be carried out through the National Savings Fund (FNA).

4.  Does the ACR provide any support to remodel or repair a home?

Taking into account the regulations in force, the ACR currently does not count with a way for supporting home improvement.

Information on economic support for attending activities of the Reintegration Route

1. According to the resolution in force, what is the economic support provided for attending activities and what is the value of such support?

The economic support for reintegration is received provided that the person undergoing a Reintegration Process complies with, on a monthly basis and as a minimum, 90 per cent of the commitments agreed during his/her Reintegration Route within the components of psychosocial accompaniment, education management and education for work.

The person undergoing a Reintegration Process may receive on a monthly basis the sum of a hundred and sixty thousand pesos ($160,000), as a minimum, for complying with the commitments agreed in the Reintegration Route limited to four hundred and eighty thousand pesos ($480.000).

It is important to clarify the following:

  • The person undergoing a Reintegration Process, whose Reintegration Route has a conditional approach, will have an economic support for reintegration of three hundred and twenty thousand pesos ($320,000), provided that he/she is complying with the commitments of his/her Reintegration Route.

  • The person undergoing a Reintegration Process that exceeds 30 months where he/she is susceptible of receiving economic support for reintegration through the Benefit of Psychosocial Accompaniment, is receiving the Benefit of Education Management participating in cycles 4,5 or 6 or their equivalent, shall receive as an economic support for reintegration through the Benefit of Management in Education, the value of three hundred and twenty thousand pesos ($320,000) provided that he/she is complying with the academic and Reintegration Route requirements.

  • The person undergoing a Reintegration Process that exceeds 30 months where he/she is susceptible of receiving economic support for reintegration through the Benefit of Psychosocial Accompaniment, has finished using the Benefit of Education Management under the culmination modality, and is participating in education programs or actions for being an assistant, operator or collaborator or skilled labor - technician, shall receive as an economic support for reintegration through the Benefit of Education for Work the value of three hundred and twenty thousand pesos ($320,000) provided that he/she is complying with the academic and Reintegration Route requirements.

  • The person undergoing a Reintegration Process that exceeds 30 months where he/she is susceptible of receiving economic support for reintegration through the Benefit of Psychosocial Accompaniment and has finished using the Benefit of Education Management under the culmination modality shall receive as an economic support for reintegration through the Benefit of Education for Work the value of four hundred and eighty thousand pesos ($480,000) provided that he/she is participating in education programs at professional technician and technologist levels and is complying with the academic and Reintegration Route requirements.



2.  Has a disengaged person, currently participating in the program of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF), the right to receive the payment of the economic benefits granted by the ACR? Or when can she/he access these benefits?

As long as the status of the person is disengaged, i.e., he/she is assigned to the Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF), he/she will not receive the economic benefits that the ACR grants. The person may access the economic benefits when he/she is of legal age and his/her benefits have been restituted by the ICBF, provided that his/her legal situation allows it. Once the individual has accessed the ACR as a person undergoing a Reintegration Process, his/her Reintegration Route has been defined and he/she complies with the commitments agreed on, he/she will be able to receive the economic benefits.

3. When do the people undergoing a Reintegration Process receive the economic benefit for conducting the academic education, work education and psychosocial activities?

The person undergoing a Reintegration Process receives the economic benefit through the active savings account (2) two months after complying with the commitments agreed on his/her Reintegration Route.

4.  At what point does this economic support cease?

The economic support will not be received when the person undergoing a Reintegration Process is going through the following situations:

  1. Non - compliance of the commitments made within the Reintegration Route.

  2. Completion of the Reintegration Route.

  3. There are no options left or the maximum limit of time is reached.

  4. Voluntarily resigns to the Reintegration Process.

5. How can the person undergoing a Reintegration Process continue receiving this economic benefit once the psychosocial and education activities are over?

If the person undergoing a Reintegration Process completed a route component through any of the completion modalities, he/she cannot continue receiving economic support for Reintegration through such component.

6.  What does the sum transferred to the account of the person undergoing a Reintegration Process represent?

The amount transferred may correspond to:

  1. Compliance of the commitments agreed on the Reintegration Route.

  2. Certified exceptional cases (threats against the physical integrity or life of the person undergoing a Reintegration Process or his/her family, incapacitation due to health reasons, maternity, departures from the country authorized by the National Government, force majeure, fortuitous events and home calamity) that did not allow him/her to comply with the agreed Reintegration Route.

  3. The economic incentive for employability, business plans or seed capital, or higher education at the professional level, subject to compliance with the requirements and budget availability.

7. Why may financial support be suspended during the different components of the Reintegration Route?

The factors are many. Financial support may be terminated if the maximum time limit within the psychosocial component has been reached, or if the Education for Work program or educational expectation has been already fulfilled, or if the person has failed to comply with commitments made in his/her Reintegration Route or has not certified the defaults to agreed commitments, among others.