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Inicio > Colombian Reintegration Agency (ACR) Main Portal > Privacy and Treatment of Personal Data Policy

Privacy and Treatment of Personal Data Policy

The Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization, ARN in compliance with Act 1581/2012 and related regulations, is responsible for the processing of your personal data​

The personal data requested by the ARN will be used for the following purposes:

  • Provide information on ARN's services and management in the national territory.

  • Invite them to events, training sessions, courses or seminars organized by the ARN.

  • Profiling our users and assessing ARN's services.

  • To further the procedures and services provided by the ARN, in the exercise of its functions.

  • Invite users to participate in surveys related to ARN's actions, services and information channels.

  • Collection of images of people as part of monitoring and observation tasks in order to ensure the safety of property and people.

The Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN) in accordance with the provisions enshrined in Act 1581/2012, Decree 1377/2013 compiled in Decree 1074/2015 and other applicable regulations, informs you that, as the holder of the information, you have the right to: 1. Access free of charge to the provided data that has been subject to processing. 2. Request the updating and amendment of your information in case of partial, inaccurate, incomplete, split, misleading data, or data whose processing is prohibited or has not been authorized. 3. Request proof of the authorization granted 4. Lodge complaints before the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce (SIC) for breaches of the provisions of the regulations in force. 5. Revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of the data, unless there is a legal or contractual duty that makes it imperative to keep the information. The registration of personal data made by this or other means, authorizes ARN to collect, store and use them within the framework of the defined purposes. If you wish to know more information, you can access our personal data treatment policy and the purposes of use, described above.

Privacy and security conditions

It is in ARN's interest to safeguard the privacy of the user's personal information collected through the agency's website, for which it undertakes to adopt a non-disclosure policy in accordance with the provisions set forth below.

Personal information is understood to be that provided by the User for registration, which includes data such as name, identification, address, e-mail and telephone number, inter alia.

  1. Amendment of personal data: the user acknowledges that the entry of personal information is carried out willingly and upon request of specific requirements by the ARN to carry out a procedure, to submit a petición, queja, reclamo, sugerencia o denuncia (PQRS-D) (Requests, Complaints, Grievances, Suggestions or Allegations (RCGS-A)) , or to access the interactive mechanisms. To file a RCGS-A or request more information you can go to the following website to: "Contacto" (Contact) or send an e-mail to The user also understands that the data provided by them will be part of a file and/or database. The User may modify or update the information provided at any time. 

  2. Use of the password: the personal information provided by the user is secured by a password, which is only known by the user, therefore, the user is exclusively responsible for keeping their password secret and it is the duty and commitment of ARN not to access or pretend to know such password. Since no transfer over the Internet is totally secure and no such condition can be guaranteed, the user accepts the uncertain risk involved and acknowledges and agrees to accept it.

  3. Unauthorized access to personal information by third parties to the website and information systems: ARN is not responsible for the personal information registered, in any case and under any circumstances for attacks or incidents against the security of its website or its information systems or for any unauthorized, dishonest or illegal exposure or access to its website that may affect the confidentiality, integrity or authenticity of the information published or associated with the contents and services offered therein. Nor shall ARN be liable for any consequences arising from the improper entry of third parties to the database and/or when any technical failure in the operation and/or maintenance of data in the system in any of the menus of its website. In compliance with the single circular letter of the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce, ARN will report security incidents affecting the personal information registered, according to the provisions of the Delegation for the Protection of Personal Data. 

  4. Information security: ARN has adopted the legally required personal data protection security levels, installing the necessary technical and organizational measures to avoid as far as possible the loss, misuse, tampering, unauthorized access and theft of the data provided. ARN may use cookies during the provision of services on its website. For more information, please review our Cookie Policy.

    ARN does not control or guarantee, 100%, the absence of viruses or other elements in the contents that may cause disturbances in your computer system (software and hardware) or in the electronic documents and files stored in your computer system.

    Consequently, ARN shall not be liable for any damage caused by any tampering with the materials or download files provided directly by ARN.

  1. Confidentiality of information: The ARN website will not share or disclose confidential information with third parties, except with the express authorization of the subscribers, or when required by court or legal order, or to protect the intellectual property rights or other rights of the website.

If you require additional information to learn more about our personal data processing policy, for the Information Security Manual, Personal Data Protection Manual and for the PQRSD (RCGSA)Manual, please consult here (consulte aquí).

If you wish to contact the agency for information related to the protection of personal data, please consult the website of the Agencia para la Reincorporación y Normalización - ARN (Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization - ARN) at:

Date: March 2021