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Terms and Conditions

Dear u​​ser


Authorization to use the contents

The main function of the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN) website is to provide information and services, as well as to disseminate and promote standards and guidelines of the National Government related to its purpose: the design, implementation and assessment of plans, programs and projects of the Reintegration, Reincorporation and Normalization Policy, in order to promote peace, security and coexistence of the Colombian State.

In accordance with the guidelines of the Digital Government Policy, ARN publishes the topics and activities related to its mission, vision, objectives and functions through its website, providing information on: procedures, services, management indicators, plans and programs, publications, standards, announcements, budget information, recommended websites and, across the board, information related to the Reintegration, Reincorporation and Normalization Process and the Social and Economic Reintegration Policy (or Política de Reintegración Social y Económica, PRSE, from its name in Spanish).

ARN requests the visitor and user of this website to read in detail these conditions and the privacy policy, before starting browsing or using it. If you do not agree with these conditions of use, we suggest that you refrain from accessing or browsing the website of our agency.

Likewise, it is important to clarify that ARN does not pursue any profit, gain or commercial interest with the contents or links published on its website


1.    Acceptance of Terms 

It is presumptively assumed that when a user accesses the ARN website, they do so at their own risk and, therefore, fully and unconditionally accept the content of the following terms and conditions of use of the agency's website. 

If the user uses the services of the ARN website, it means that they have read, understood and accepted the terms described below. If they do not agree with them, they have the choice whether not to provide any personal information, or not to use the services of the ARN website, 


2.    General conditions regarding the content of the website 

ARN reserves the right to update and modify at any time and in any way, unilaterally and without prior notice, these conditions of use and the contents of the website, considering the Definitions provided for in section 8 herein.

  1. The purpose of the website is to provide the user with all kinds of information related to the management of the National Government of Colombia on the topics that arise from the mission of the ARN. The information contained in this website is written in a brief, simple and clear way, in web content format. The ARN will try to ensure that the information meets the needs of users.

  2. The website may contain links to other websites of interest or to documents located on other websites owned by agencies, individuals or organizations other than ARN. In such cases, the user shall be subject to the terms of use and privacy policy of the relevant websites.

  3. The ARN is not liable for information outside of this website that is not directly managed by the website administrator

  4. The links that appear on the website are intended to inform the user about the existence of other sources that can expand the contents offered on the website or that are related to them.

  5. ARN does not guarantee and is not accountable for the operation or accessibility of the linked websites. Neither does it suggest, invite or recommend visiting them. Therefore, it shall not be responsible for the outcome thereof.

  6. The provision of a link to the website of another company, agency or program does not necessarily constitute a relationship between ARN and the owner of the linked website or web page, nor does it constitute an endorsement or approval by ARN of its contents or services. 

  7. When placing the link to the ARN website on a web page, make sure that it directs to the home page of the website.

  8. People using the link to the ARN website must refrain from making false, inaccurate or incorrect statements or indications about ARN or include illegal content, or content contrary to good customs and public order.

  9. The research published on the website does not imply, on the part of the ARN, any judgment or commitment of the position of the agency and/or of those involved in it. The contents are the responsibility of those who performed the research.

  10. The provision of the ARN website service is free and at no cost to users and is governed by the terms and conditions, which are understood as known and accepted by the users of the site. 

3.    User rights and prohibitions

With respect to the contents that appear on the ARN website, the user is bound by the following obligations:

  1. Use the contents in a diligent, correct and lawful manner.

  2. Not to remove, circumvent, or manipulate the copyright and other data identifying the rights of ARN.

  3. Not to use the contents and especially information of any other kind gathered through the ARN or the services for the purpose of advertising.

  4. ARN shall not be liable for the improper use by users of the content of its website.

  5. The visitor or user of the website shall be held liable for any improper, unlawful or abnormal use of the contents, information or services of the ARN website. The visitor or user of the website, directly or through an intermediary, shall not in any way attempt against the ARN website, its technological platform, its information systems or interfere with its regular operation.  

  6. The visitor or user of the website shall not alter, hinder or perform any other act that prevents the display of or access to any content, information or services on the ARN website, or that are incorporated in the linked web pages.

  7. The visitor or user of the ARN website shall not post or transmit on or towards this website to other users or to any person any information of an obscene, defamatory, libelous, slanderous or discriminatory nature.

  8. The visitor or user of the ARN website shall not engage in and from the ARN website in unlawful behavior, such as damage or computer attacks, interception of communications, copyright infringement, unauthorized use of terminals, identity theft, disclosure of secrets or documents forgery. 

4.    Limits on use

The provision of the ARN's WEB site service has an indefinite duration. However, the agency may terminate or suspend the provision of this service at any time. In case this situation arises, ARN will previously inform about the fact, in order to avoid further disruptions. 

5.    Contact us

If the user wishes to make suggestions to ARN in order to improve the contents, information and services offered on the website  you can communicate through the recording system of Peticiones, Quejas, Reclamos, Sugerencias o Denuncias (PQRS-D) (Requests, Complaints, Grievances, Suggestions or Allegations (RCGS-A)) or by e-mail to

6.    Definitions 

In order to facilitate the understanding of these Terms and Conditions of Use of the ARN website, it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the following words:

  • Contents: imply all kinds of information or data disclosed on the website, including text, images, photos, logos, designs and animations.

  • Chat: instant messaging service between one or several users, exclusively for demobilized persons, moderated by an official. 

  • Copyrights: refer to all property rights of ARN's information or of any person who is the legitimate owner, such as: distinctive signs, trademarks, slogans, mottos, logos, domain names, copyrights, databases, designs, contents or any other work or intellectual creation related to the object, operation or performance of ARN's website.

  • Survey: observation service, to collect data of interest, by means of a pre-designed questionnaire, in order to know statuses of opinion, characteristics or specific facts. 

  • Forum: automated message service, exclusively for demobilized individuals in the Reintegration Process, moderated by an official, whereby subscribers receive messages left by other subscribers on a given topic. Messages are sent by e-mail.

  • Personal data: information provided by the user for registration, which includes data such as name, identification, age, gender, address, e-mail address and telephone number, inter alia.

  • Internet: communication tool with tens of thousands of computer networks linked by the TCP/IP protocol. Multiple services can be used over this network, such as e-mails, chats, forums, www, ftp, etc.

  • Website: hypertext or hypermedia output provided by a www browser after retrieving the requested information. Its content can range from a short text to a voluminous set of texts, static or moving graphics, sound, video, etc.

  • PQRS-D (RCGS-A): Requests, Complaints, Grievances, Suggestions or Allegations.

  • Publish: make a document visible from the corporate website.

  • Services: are the online aids that ARN currently provides or plans to provide in the future to users through this website, such as: publication of news or activities related to institutional management, online procedures, consultations, forums, chat, survey, and complaints and claims mailbox, inter alia.

  • User: is the person who visits the ARN website to search or consult information of their interest, to register in case they need to carry out a procedure or receive a service from the agency, or to file a complaint, make a claim or query, using the mailbox for requests, complaints and claims, created for this purpose.

  • Link: hypertext pointers that are used to jump from one piece of information to another, or from one web server to another, when surfing the Internet. 

7.    Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

  1. The user shall not claim before the ARN or before a judicial or administrative authority, the application of any condition, rule or agreement that is not expressly incorporated in these conditions of use.

  2. These conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Colombia, in those aspects that are not expressly regulated therein.

  3. If any provision of these terms and conditions becomes invalid or unenforceable for any reason, all other provisions shall retain their binding force and effect and shall be fully enforceable.

  4. For any legal or judicial purposes, the place of these conditions is the city of Bogota, Republic of Colombia, and any dispute arising from their interpretation or application shall be submitted to the judges of the Republic of Colombia.

8.    Copyright of the contents of the website

This website and its contents are the intellectual property of ARN. It is possible to download material from for personal and non-commercial use, as long as the ARN's ownership is expressly mentioned.

Date: March 2021 ​