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The wealth of more than 26 years of experience that the country has in Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration allows ARN to affirm that in the first months of reincorporation people in this process should receive support in health, basic training, identification of knowledge, adequate use of free time, emotional stabilization, academic, labor and, also, economic, so that they can adapt while preparing to enter the labor market.

As established in the Agreement and in accordance with the provisions of the CNR, the reincorporation roadmap for ex-combatants of the Farc-Ep will be implemented in two phases: the first stage has been called early reincorporation and the second phase, long-term reincorporation. The ARN has implemented measures in the first phase for ex-combatants who are in the route of early reincorporation, who are basically looking for initial adaptability and stabilization.


Social Security

For any former members of Farc-Ep not linked to paid activities, the national government will guarantee payments for social security for up to two years in accordance with the regulations in force through a trust fund.


Basic and higher education

Based on the experience in processes of insertion into civilian life of armed actors, the ARN has identified that one of the main needs of the people who laid down their arms is to develop skills and competencies.

According to the socioeconomic census conducted by the National University of Colombia, 90% of the former members of Farc-Ep reported being literate, and 72% would be interested in starting or continuing their studies. However, the national experience has identified a high percentage of school drop-out for people who lay down their arms, so it is necessary to implement a flexible educational model for educational furtherance.

To this effect, the Ministry of National Education designed and implemented the pilot model "Plowing Education", which develops an education proposal for former members of Farc-Ep and people from the communities surrounding ETCRs.

Likewise, ARN leads the coordination for the training of people in the process of reincorporation on basic education, knowledge identification, adequate use of free time, emotional, academic, labor and, also, economic stabilization, so that they can live with dignity whilst preparing to enter the labor market.


Training in humanitarian demining and illicit crops

In order to provide protection guarantees to the communities, the well-being of the rural population and – as the Final Agreement says – progress is being made in the implementation of a demining and cleaning program for the areas of the national territory affected by the location of antipersonnel mines and unexploded ordnance.

This activity is accompanied by national and international organizations Halo Trust, UNMAS, DAICMA, Campaign for Demining, Humanicemos and Descontamina, and it is a joint purpose to which the Government and the Farc will contribute, which began with technical training for 38 people in the process of reincorporation on humanitarian demining.

The Demining and Cleaning program will essentially be developed in consultation with ethnic peoples and their representative organizations. Priority will be given to the cases of the Embera people in Córdoba and Antioquia, the Jiw and Nukak peoples in the departments of Guaviare and Meta and the Awá people in Nariño.