Colombian Reintegration Agency (ACR) Main Portal > Attention to the public > Information Security and Data Protection Policies

Dear user:

ACR requests the visitor and the user of this site to read the conditions and privacy policy in detail before starting navigating or using it. If you do not agree with them, we suggest you refrain from accessing or browsing the website of our entity. 

The website  of the Colombian Agency for the Reintegration of Armed People and Groups (ACR) has as its main function to provide information and services, as well as to disseminate and promote National Government rules and guidelines related to its purpose: the design, implementation, evaluation of plans, programs and projects of the Reintegration Policy, in order to promote peace, security and coexistence of the Colombian State. 

In accordance with the guidelines of the Online Government Strategy, ACR publishes the themes and activities related to its mission, vision, objectives and functions on its website, thereby informing about: procedures, services, management indicators , plans and programs, publications, regulations, conventions, budget, recommended pages, the Reintegration Process and the Social and Economic Reintegration Policy (PRSE). 

Likewise, it is important to clarify that ACR does not pursue any profit, gain or commercial interest with the contents or links published on its website

1. Acceptance of Terms 

It is presumed that when a user accesses the ACR website he/she does so under his/her full responsibility and that, therefore, he/she fully and unreservedly accepts the content of the following terms and conditions of use of the entity's website. 

This declaration of Confidentiality and Data Protection is subject to the terms and conditions of ACR's website, which constitutes a legal agreement between the user and ACR's website. 

If the user uses the services of ACR's website, it means that he/she has read, understood and accepted the terms above. If you do not agree with them, you have the option of not providing any personal information, or not using the service of ACR's website, 

2. General conditions regarding the content of the website 

ACR reserves, in all respects, the right to update and modify at any time and in any way, unilaterally and without prior notice, the present conditions of use and the contents of the page, taking into account the Definitions established in paragraph 8 of this document. 

a. The website aims to provide the user with all kinds of information related to the management of the Colombian National Government on the issues that arise from ACR's missionary purpose. The information contained in this website is written in a brief, simple and clear manner and in web content format. ACR will ensure that the information meets the needs of the users. 

b. The website may have links to other sites of interest or to documents located on other websites owned by other entities, persons or organizations other than ACR. In these cases the user must be subject to the conditions of use and the privacy policy of the corresponding web pages. 

c. ACR is not responsible for the information that is outside this website and is not managed directly by the administrator of website

d. The links that appear on the website are intended to inform the user about the existence of other sources likely to expand the content offered by the website or related to them.

e. ACR does not guarantee or is responsible for the operation or accessibility of the linked web pages. ACR neither suggests, invites or recommends a visit to them. Therefore, ACR will not be responsible for the result obtained. 

f. The establishment of a link to the website of another company, entity or program does not necessarily imply the existence of relations between ACR and the owner of the site or linked website, nor the acceptance or approval by ACR of Its contents or services. 

g. When placing the link of ACR's website, it should be ensured that it is directed to the home page. 

h. People using the link to ACR's website must refrain from making false, inaccurate or incorrect statements or indications about ACR or include illegal content, or contrary to good customs and public order. 

i. The investigations published on the website do not imply on the part of ACR any judgment or compromise the position of the entity and/or those involved in it. The contents are the responsibility of those who carried out the research. 

j. The provision of the service of the ACR website is free for users and is governed by the terms and conditions below, which are understood as known and accepted by the users of the site. 

3. Website content copyright  

This website and its contents are part of ACR's intellectual property. It is possible to download material from for personal and non-commercial use, as long as it expressly mentions the property of ACR. 

Regarding the contents that appear in  ACR's website, the user undertakes to: 

a. Use the contents diligently, correctly and legally.

b. Not to suppress, circumvent, or manipulate the copyright and other data that identifies ACR's rights.

c. Not to use the contents and in particular the information of any other class obtained through ACR or the services to issue publicity.

d. ACR will not be responsible for the improper use that users make of the content of its website.

e. The visitor or user of the website will be responsible for any improper, illegal or abnormal use it makes of the contents, information or services of ACR's website. The visitor or user of the website, directly or by interposed person, will not attempt in any way against ACR's website, its technological platform, its information systems nor interfere in its normal operation.

f. The visitor or the user of the website will not alter, block or perform any other act that prevents the display or access to any content, information or services of ACR's website, or that are incorporated in the linked web pages.

g. The visitor or user of ACR's website will not send or transmit on this site or towards the same to other users or to any person any information of obscene, defamatory, libelous, slanderous or discriminatory nature.

g. The visitor or user of ACR's website will not incur in and from the same in unlawful conduct, such as damages or computer attacks, interception of communications, breaches of copyright, unauthorized use of terminals, identity theft, disclosure of secrets or falsehood in the documents. 

4. Protection of Personal Data

ACR, in accordance with the provisions contained in Law 1581 of 2012 and its regulatory decree, as custodian responsible and / or in charge of the processing of personal data, shall seek the security and confidentiality of the sensitive or personal data that have been collected and processed in operations such as the collection, storage, use, circulation and suppression of information received from third parties through the different channels of information collection. 

4.1 Privacy and security conditions 

It is the interest of ACR to safeguard the privacy of the personal information of the user obtained through the entity's website, for which it undertakes to adopt a policy of confidentiality according to what is established below. 

Personal information is understood to be that provided by the user for registration, which includes data such as name, identification, address, email and telephone, among others. 

a. Modification of personal information: the user acknowledges that the personal information is entered voluntarily and upon the request of specific requests by ACR to carry out a process, to file a petition, complaint, claim, suggestion or report (PQRS -D), or to access the interactive mechanisms. In order to carry out PQRS-D or require more information, access, section "Contact Us" or send a message to The user also understands that the data entered by him/her will be part of a file and/or database. The user may modify or update the information provided at any time. 

b. Use of the access key: the personal information provided by the user is secured by a password that only he/she knows. Therefore, the user is solely responsible for keeping his/her password secret. ACR agrees not to access or pretend to know such password. Since no Internet transmission is absolutely safe and can not be guaranteed, the user assumes the hypothetical risk involved, which he/she accepts and knows. 

c. Access to personal information by third parties: ACR is not responsible for  personal information recorded. ACR will not, in any case and under any circumstance, be responsible for attacks or incidents against the security of its website or against its information systems or for any unauthorized, fraudulent or illegal exposure or access to its website that may affect the confidentiality, integrity or authenticity of the information published or associated with the contents and services offered therein. 

Neither will be responsible for any consequences derived from improper admission of third parties to the database and / or when any technical failure in the operation and / or maintenance of data in the system in any of the menus of its website. 

d. Information security: ACR has adopted the security levels of protection of the legally required personal data, installing the necessary technical and organizational measures to avoid as far as possible the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the data facilitated. ACR may use cookies during the provision of services on its website. For more information, check our Cookies Policy. 

ACR does not control or guarantee, 100%, the absence of viruses or other elements in the contents that may cause alterations in your computer system (software and hardware) or in the electronic documents and files stored in your computer system.

Consequently, ACR will not be responsible for any damage caused by any alteration that has been made to the materials or files of discharge supplied directly by the entity. 

e. Confidentiality of information: ACR's website will not share or disclose confidential information with third parties, unless expressly authorized by those who signed up, or when it has been requested by a court or legal order, or to protect the intellectual property rights or other rights of the website. 

5. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction 

1. The user may not express before ACR or before a judicial or administrative authority the application of a condition, rule or agreement that is not expressly incorporated in these conditions of use.

2. These conditions will be governed by the laws of the Republic of Colombia, in aspects that are not expressly regulated in them.

3. If any provision of these conditions loses validity or binding force, for any reason, all other provisions, retain their binding force, binding force and will generate all their effects.

4. For any legal or judicial effect, the place of the present conditions is the city of Bogota, Republic of Colombia, and any controversy that arises from its interpretation or application will be submitted to the judges of the Republic of Colombia. 

6. Duration and Termination 

The provision of the service of ACR's website has an indefinite duration. However, the entity may terminate or suspend the provision of this service at any time. Should this situation arise, ACR will previously inform about the event, in order to avoid further trauma. 

7. Contact Us

If the user wishes to make suggestions to ACR to improve the contents, information and services offered on website, he/she should be directed to the administrator of the page, at the following email:

8. Definitions

In order to facilitate understanding of these Terms and Conditions of Use of ACR's website it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the following terms: 

• Chat: instant messaging service between one or several users, exclusively for demobilized people going through a Reintegration Process moderated by an official.

• Content: involves all forms of information or data disseminated on the website, including texts, images, photos, logos, designs and animations.

• Forum: automated message service, exclusively for demobilized people undergoing a Reintegration Process, moderated by an official, through which subscribers receive messages left by other subscribers for a given topic. Messages are sent by email.

• Intellectual property rights: are to all property rights of ACR's information or any person who is a legitimate owner, such as: distinctive signs, trademarks, slogans, logos, domain names, copyright, databases, designs, contents or any other work or intellectual creation linked to the purpose, operation or performance of ACR'S website.

• Internet: communication tool with tens of thousands of computer networks connected by the TCP / IP protocol. On this network multiple services can be used, such as emails, www, ftp, etc.

• Link: hypertext pointers that serve to jump from one information section to another, or from one web server to another, when browsing the Internet.

• Personal information: information provided by the user for registration, which includes data such as name, identification, age, gender, address, email and telephone, among others.

• PQRS-D: petition, complaint, claim, suggestion or report.

• Publish: make a document visible from the institutional website.

• Services: these are the online aids that ACR currently provides or that it intends to provide in the future to users through this website, such as: publication of news or activities of institutional management, online procedures, forums, chat, surveys, and mailbox of complaints and claims, among others.

• Survey: observation service to collect data of interest by means of a pre-designed questionnaire, in order to know states of opinion, characteristics or specific facts

• User: is the person who has access to ACR's website to search or consult information of interest, to register in case it requires so to perform a procedure or receive a service from the entity, or to file a complaint, claim or consultation through the use of the mailbox of petitions, complaints and claims, created for this purpose.

• Web page: result in hypertext or hypermedia format provided by a browser on the www after obtaining the requested information. Its contents can range from a short text to a voluminous set of texts, static or moving graphics, sound, video, etc. 

Updated: May, 2016