celmira.jpgCelmira Frasser Acevedo

Planning Counseling Office Chief

"I'm decided and goal oriented. I characterize myself by making wise decisions and taking risks in the tasks I am entrusted with. I'm reliable, respectful and responsive, and abide by the rules and regulations with a sense of belonging, passion for building, serving and mentoring." 

Economist. Contemporaneous Public Administration Specialist, Superior School of Public Administration (Escuela Superior de Administración Pública - ESAP). Information Systems Project Management Specialist from the Rosario University 2006. Quality Systems Administration and Management, Santo Tomás University,  Santo Tomás University - Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC, for its Spanish acronym) Agreement - 2008. 

Currently close to graduation as University Teaching Specialist from Nueva Granada Military University. Technical competence and expertise in leadership, teamwork, design, implementation, monitoring and control in strategic planning, management and control systems, and information systems. PMI methodology knowledge and application, and investment project formulation under the Adjusted General Methodology (MGA, for its Spanish acronym) of the National Planning Department. Quality Auditor under ISO 9001 and Public Management Technical Quality Standards 1000:2009 (NTCGP, for its Spanish acronym). Development and administration of risk maps for public bodies. Participation in and knowledge of organizational development policies, public employment, internal control and procedures and administrative career. 

Work Experience 

From 1983 to 1991, she fulfilled roles in human resources and treasury departments, was a factory manager at car filter company FRANIG and an Industrial Economic Counseling Administrator. In the public sector she worked in the Civil Service Administrative Department as the Coordinator of the Administrative Career Registration Group, Systems Office Chief, Coordinator of the Procedures Group, Public Employment Director and Planning Advisory Office Chief at the Civil Service Administrative Department. 

International speaker with participation in Seminar-workshop Civil Service Challenges, at the Dominican Republic. Topic: Information Systems, Colombian experience. 


Internal Control Booklet, Institutional Tool, 1998. 

Procedure Rationalization and Simplification Guide, 2006. 

Article: Implementation of an Internal Communication Process at the Civil Service Administrative Department (DAFP, for its Spanish acronym) for contributing to Effectiveness in the Quality Management System. 2008.