The Agency for Reintegration and Normalization fulfills the following functions:

  1. Advise the National Government in the implementation of the policy of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) to civilian life of armed persons or groups organized outside the law, who voluntarily demobilize whether individually or collectively.

  2. Implement, design, implement and evaluate the social, economic and legal benefits granted to the demobilized population from armed groups outside the law, within the framework of the Demobilization and Reintegration Disarmament Policy.

  3. Formulate, implement, evaluate and promote plans, programs and projects aimed at strengthening the process of reintegration of the demobilized population and their families.

  4. Strengthen the reconciliation process with communities hosting demobilized population that will consolidate the reintegration process.

  5. Design, execute and evaluate the reintegration process according to the benefits agreed upon in negotiations peace processes, or for the purpose established by the National Government.

  6. Coordinate with state agencies that develop activities or functions aimed at facilitating the development of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes in accordance with their competencies.

  7. Coordinate and monitor the actions of state agencies that, according to their competence, develop activities or functions aimed at facilitating the processes of reintegration of minors withdrawn from the conflict and adults who voluntarily demobilize individually or collectively.

  8. Advise, accompany and define – jointly with the High Commissioner for Peace – the issues on social and economic benefits discussed and agreed upon at the peace negotiation processes with organized groups outside the law that demobilize voluntarily. Additionally, to execute and evaluate the benefits therein established and that related to the reintegration of the beneficiary population.

  9. Define, arrange and evaluate the National Plan of Action, in coordination with the agencies, so that – in accordance with their functional competence – they contribute to the reintegration process, develop programs, strategies and goals as required for the inclusion of individuals or groups into civilian life armed organized outside the law who voluntarily demobilize.

  10. Accompany and advise the competent agencies in the definition of policies and strategies related to the prevention of the recruitment and separation of children, adolescents and young minors from organized armed groups outside the law.

  11. Support the competent agencies in the actions they carry out regarding the definition and application of legal benefits for the population that voluntarily demobilizes.

  12. Coordinate the implementation of the reintegration policy with territorial agencies, local authorities and various civil society actors.

  13. Promote alliances with national and international cooperation agencies for the implementation and development of the reintegration process in coordination with the competent authorities.

  14. Execute international technical cooperation resources and provide international advice, in coordination with the Presidential Agency for International Cooperation of Colombia.

  15. Consolidate the Reintegration Information System - SIR (from its original Spanish language initials) for monitoring and evaluation of participants in the reintegration process and develop the modules required to this effect.

  16. Receive and manage the resources, contributions and funds destined to finance the operation of the Agency for Reintegration and Normalization and the plans and projects that are advanced in the area of reintegration.

  17. Manage the human, physical and financial resources under their responsibility, in accordance with the principles of the administrative function. 18. Any other functions and duties as per the nature of the Agency and are assigned by law.

Supplementary information

See Decree 4138/2011, "whereby the Colombian Agency for the Reintegration of People and Groups in Arms, is created and its objectives and structure are established".

See Decree Law 897/2017, "Whereby the structure of the Colombian Agency for the Reintegration of People and Groups Raised in Arms is modified and other provisions are dictated."

Reincorporation is a process of socio-economic stabilization of the ex-combatants who laid down their arms, within the framework of the signing of the Final Agreement between the State and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army (Farc-Ep).

Within this new framework, the national government is committed to its implementation by promoting a collective and rural approach, whilst helping former members of the Farc-Ep reach their full potential. It also aimed at strengthening coexistence, reconciliation, the development of productive activity and the social fabric in the territories.

The most unique aspect of this new process is its co-constructed character: all the Reincorporation actions are agreed and defined jointly, mainly in instances such as the National Reincorporation Council.